Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM
In person or online-

Sunday School for all ages at 10:45am


There are many opportunities to serve God here are Horseheads First United Methodist Church.  If you have certain life skills, work experience or would like to learn something new, we have a place for you. Please read the ministry areas below and prayerfully consider donating some time to God through your service. We are always open to new areas of service, so if you don’t see one listed here which you want to offer, let us know! We provide training. Contact Rev. McDowell this month, for more information at or call his cell at 607-377-2338.

Nurture: We Grow

  Worship plans services and supports them through visual arts, music and words.

  Christian Education plans classes and curriculums to teach our children and adults.

  Prayer Team brings the needs of our people to God in prayer on a regular basis.

  Stephen Ministry trains and assigns Christian caregivers to people in stressful situations.

  The Nursery cares for the little ones in a clean, safe place during services and events.

  *Bible Studies teach the Word of God to the congregation in small groups.

Outreach: We Give

  Outreach identifies needs and promotes our giving in mission locally.

  Missions identifies needs and promotes our giving in mission globally.

  Karren’s Clothing Cupboard collects, sorts, serves the public each week.

  Special Offerings / Disaster Relief to help people in need.

  *Dinners & Events for fun raising and fund raising.

  United Women in Faith Gathers to grow in Christ, provide fellowship, expand mission.

Witness: We Go

  Faith Builders prepares materials and programs to welcome new people into our church.

  *Publicity creates ways for us to share the Christian message in our community and world.

  *Evangelism brings the gospel message to those outside our church.

  *Short Term Mission Trips offer a chance for us to be in mission in a setting outside our area.

Resources: We Lead

   Church Council discerns vision, sets direction, looks at big picture, coordinates ministry.

   Nominations helps people discover their gifts and use them in service.

   Finance creates and manages budget and spending.

   Trustees oversee the building and grounds.

   Living Endowment makes decisions about our invested funds.

   Staff Parish Relations collaborates with pastor and other staff for a healthy church,

    (*denotes this area is yet to be developed…but us together!)