To make a prayer request or be added as a Prayer Disciple send an e-mail to
PRAYER CHAIN: At First United Methodist Church we strongly believe in the power of intercessory prayer, and we are dedicated to the call to be in prayer for and with one another. Prayer requests raised by our congregation will be communicated by the Prayer Chain Ministry Team via e-mail to our many Prayer Chain Disciples who pray individually for the concerns. Our disciples are “links” in the chain, allowing God’s love to flow through us to the person being prayed for. Think of our disciples as holding the hand of Jesus with one hand and the hand of the person being prayed for with the other.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Prayer requests should be submitted by e-mail to Requests should be concise but clearly state the concern, should identify who the prayers are for, should identify who is submitting the request, and if appropriate any time frame information. Be sensitive-we do not want to distribute information that the individual would prefer to keep confidential. For example, a prayer request for a friend having marital problems should not include the person’s name-“my friend” is certainly more appropriate. A prayer request that clearly stated CONFIDENTIAL will only be forwarded to the pastor by the Prayer Chain Ministry Team.
The prayer chain is not to be used for routine communication, fund raising, or debate of controversial issues within or outside our church. All requests are screened by the Prayer Chain Ministry Team before being forwarded and may be edited for brevity, confidentiality, etc.
Follow-up communication of the outcome or status of the prayer concern is strongly encouraged and will be forwarded to the Prayer Chain Disciples. Testimony of God’s goodness and answered prayers is positive and powerful for all members of the Prayer Chain to hear. At the same time, we trust in God’s answer to our prayers, whatever it may be.
PRAYER CHAIN DISCIPLES: Prayer chain disciples at First United Methodist Church believe strongly in the power od intercessory prayer. We receive e-mail requests and pray regularly, individually and confidentially in response to those requests. We form a link in the chain, allowing God’s love to flow through us to the individuals we are praying for.
GUIDELINES: -Pray regularly, preferably daily. Be positive in your prayers. -Trust that God will answer your prayers in God’s own way, in God’s timetable, according to God’s will. -Be very aware of potentially sensitive information and the need for confidentiality. Be very careful in what you share with others. As a general rule, avoid forwarding prayer request e-mails to others. -A suggestion is to keep a prayer list. Some prayer requests may only require a single prayer, others may call for ongoing, daily prayers for a period of time. -Ae-mail prayer requests will be forwarded by the Prayer Chain Team via “blind carbon copy” to avoid widespread distribution and potential spamming of Prayer Chain Disciple e-mail addresses.
PLEASE NOTE: The Prayer Chain Team manages the prayer chain process. They ensure that prayer requests are forwarded timely to our Prayer Chain Disciples. Incoming e-mails are checked at least daily.
Isaiah 56:7 “My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all Nations”
Luke 18:1 “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”
Matthew 7:7 “asj abd you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened.”
Proverbs 15:29 “When good people pray, God listens.”
Deuteronomy 4:7 “No other nation, no matter how great, has a god who is so near when they need him as the Lord our God is to us. He answers us whenever we call for help.”
1 Peter 3:12 “For the Lord watches over the righteous and listens to their prayers”