Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM
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Sunday School for all ages at 10:45am

Pastor's Corner

Rev. Dr. Jeff McDowell

First United Methodist Church in Horseheads

1034 W. Broad St.

Horseheads, N. Y. 14845

Telephone: (607) 739-1943

Pastor’s Email:


Pastor’s Page

I see lots of activity in our church and I hope that when you read these newsletters, you read them all the way through. We have much to thank God for, and many events to invite people to. Have you ever been in an exercise class where you were taught the importance of slow, regular, full breaths? We breathe in and out all the time but most of our breathing is shallow, not completely using the capacity of our lungs. Not only that, but we also often spend more time breathing in than out, and simply balancing that rhythm can reduce our stress, increase healthy circulation and give more energy to the muscles and internal organs. Likewise, if we breathe out too much without equal intake, we run the risk of fainting (see Isaiah 40:30,31)!

Using the analogy of a church as the body of Christ (Romans 12), we must monitor and observe our breaths in and out. When we breathe in, we focus on what we need to sustain ourselves. When we breathe out, we focus on what we are doing outside our own needs to serve God in the face of our community. Breathe in the worship, the classes, the fellowship dinners and the prayers directed toward our needs and wants. Breathe out the giving of tangibles (food, clothing, shelter, warmth, medical care), and of intangibles (prayers, listening, caring, sharing Christ, forgiving, loving and serving). We take in spiritual fruits from God such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Then, when our spirit is full, we breath out to everyone around us the very same spiritual qualities from God through us, and to others. There has to be a balance to our work: inward to fill us and outward to fill others.

Now is not the time to hold our breath or take in more than we give out. It is unhealthy for us, and it robs the world. The Psalms of the Bible are the hymnal of ancient Israel. Many Psalms were written with instructions so they could be led by “choirmasters” in a certain way. One of these instructions is to “pause here.” In most of our translations it reads: “Selah.” Some say it might mean, “breathe!” Psalm 32 tells the singers to pause and consider (breathe) 3 times. Musicians know that of key importance in song is the placement and use of silence.

Psalm 32:7

“You are a hiding-place for me;
    you preserve me from trouble;
    you surround me with glad cries of deliverance.

Our church needs to take a breath. We have “paused to consider” the meaning of our church purpose and align it with our activity. This is what we are doing in the church council and throughout our many ministries. We have set these goals based on our ministry audit in the Fall. Pray for guidance. I have edited this list for length.


  1. Revise mission and vision statements to be simpler and more focused.
  2. Change focus of Church Council from reporting to strategic ministry planning & evaluation.
  3. Improve internal and external communication, connecting better with community.
  4. Continue and expand programming with other United Methodist churches near us.
  5. Develop a plan to reach people with no religious affiliation & those who have left church life.
  6. Review the current worship service, evaluate, and address lowered attendance and increase variety of style, format, times and locations for worship.


Together, let us Breathe In. Breathe Out. Pause and Consider. Selah.


On February 3, Pastor McDowell is starting an in- person prayer group Mondays at 10:00 a.m. in our Wesley Room. We will list the requests which have come in through the previous week and lift them up to God together. Each meeting will end on or before 10:50 a.m.