Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM
In person or online


Church News



  Karren’s Clothing Cupboard has been very busy over the last couple of weeks.

We are still looking for children’s clothing but only spring and summer items at this time.

We do not have storage for winter items.  At this time we do not need any other clothing.

   The sign-up sheet for July is in the entrance to the narthex.  We still need some days filled for June if you are available.

We will be closed on Thursday July 4th.

Thank you again for all the support you give for this Outreach Mission.


Winter Fantasy will be here before you know it.

A few of us women from the church need your crafting help!

We are looking for craft items to sell during Winter Fantasy to help raise money to upgrade our widely used church kitchen.

(Anything you donate, but is not sold, we are asking you to take it back after the event.)

Please do not bring anything to the church before the time needed as we do not have any storage space to hold things.

More information will be available in the coming months.



Just a reminder…Church cookbooks for $15.

All proceeds will go to update projects in the kitchen.

Find them in the Church Office.


Food Pantry Needs


Food bank summer needs:

Jiffy muffin mix and corn bread.

Canned black beans/baked beans,

and chicken broth.

Or anything you wish to donate to the food pantry.

Find the cart by the bulletin boards in the narthex.


The Bridge News


A new Issue of the Bridge is ready for download.  Click here to select.  Hard copies are also available in the Narthex.

The Bridge is a communications tool designed for local churches to stay connected to each other and to the ministries taking place around the Upper New York Conference and The United Methodist Church.

The Bridge is generally published the week prior to the first and third Sundays Sept.-May; in June-August, the Bridge is published the week prior to the first Sunday of each month.